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L (100 x 80cm)
M (75 x 60cm)
XL (130 x100 cm)
This dog bed cover is made of waterproof cotton. It is easy to change and is designed to protect the inner bed from water. You can wash and dry the covers easily and quickly. You can only have one bed and an unlimited number of covers. Waterproof Bang Bang covers are ideal for active and strong muzzles that need wear-resistant beds. See all products here
L (100 x 80cm)
M (75 x 60cm)
XL (130 x100 cm)
Krevet za pse + dodatna GRATIS Bang Bang navlaka - sve u paketu :)   Bean Bag dog beds are orthopedic dog beds. The dog can adjust the shape of the bed according to itself, which provides perfect support for every part of the body. What is the difference between Bean Bag and siliconized balls, see here I believe that our muzzles always deserve the best, including a comfortable place to sleep. Waterproof Bang Bang dog beds are ideal for active and strong dogs who need hard-wearing beds. Not sure what size bed is right for your pet? Check it out here. See all products here
Ispuna za pseći krevet
L (100 x 80cm)
M (75 x 60cm)
XL (130 x100 cm)
Nakon dugotrajne uporabe, svim jastucima se smanjuje volumen i potrebno je nadomjestiti nedostatak kuglica. Bean Bag Ispuna od stiropornih kuglica iznimno je izdržljiva, udobna, prozračna, ergonomska i traje godinama. Idealna je za pse i psi ju obožavaju!

Možete birati između raznih Navlaka za Jastuke za Pse i Mačke za Vašu Ispunu za Jastuk :)

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