Healthy muzzles

Canine Cushing's Syndrome and Can CBD Oil for Dogs Help?

When something happens to your pet, it can be difficult to understand the problem. If you suspect your pet has Cushing's syndrome or if it has already been diagnosed, it can be even more difficult to understand how to make your pet feel as good as possible. If your pet has been diagnosed with Cushing's syndrome or if you think your pet may have Cushing's syndrome, you can help.

What causes Cushing's syndrome in dogs?

Cushing's syndrome, hyperadrenocorticism, or cushing's syndrome in dogs, is an endocrine disorder that causes your dog's body to produce too much cortisol from the adrenal glands. Cortisol is a hormone that helps control stress, weight, infections and blood sugar. Too much cortisol can wreak havoc on your pet's health.

Cushing's disease in dogs usually occurs in middle-aged and older dogs. There are three types of Cushing's disease in dogs. The cause can be:

  • Adrenal gland tumor
  • Tumor on the pituitary gland
  • Excessive use of steroids

What are the symptoms of Cushing's syndrome in dogs?

Many symptoms of Cushing's mimic the signs of aging and include:

  • increased thirst
  • excessive hunger
  • excessive urination and urination at home
  • thinning of the skin
  • excessive panting
  • hair loss or hair growth that lasts longer than usual
  • bloating of the stomach
  • increased fatigue or inactivity
  • often getting skin infections or growths, including warts


Is Cushing's syndrome common in dogs?

Canine Cushing's syndrome is quite common in older dogs and is often misdiagnosed. Many people think that the symptoms are just part of their pet's aging, which in many cases causes a missed diagnosis.

Cushing's is more common in certain dog breeds. Breeds more prone to diseases:

  • beagle
  • boston terriers
  • boxer
  • dachshund
  • German shepherd
  • Golden retriever
  • Labrador
  • poodle
  • Scottish terrier
  • Yorkshire terrier and terriers in general

To diagnose Cushing's syndrome in a dog, your vet will do a blood test or a cortisol to creatinine ratio test. These tests will look for cortisol levels in the blood and urine, and are often used in conjunction with an ultrasound to make a definitive diagnosis.

How can you naturally treat Cushing's syndrome in dogs?

The traditional method used to treat Cushing's syndrome is surgery to remove the tumor. Vets can also prescribe hormone-regulating medications. However, surgery can be invasive and dangerous, especially in older dogs, and medications can cause additional side effects. Instead, more natural options can provide your pet with relief without the stress of surgery or liver-damaging medications.

CBD oil for dogs broad-spectrum can help treat Cushing's syndrome in dogs by balancing hormonal imbalances and shrinking, or even eliminating, the tumors that are causing the problem. In fact, one of the primary uses of CBD is in the treatment of tumors. IN research conducted, the scientists concluded that CBD oil gives promising results in the treatment of tumors.

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CBD oil for dogs

Second study found that CBD prevented the growth of tumor cells in mice with pancreatic and bladder cancer. CBD not only stopped the growth of tumor cells, but it was also confirmed to prevent the growth of new tumors. In the conclusion of this study, it was pointed out that CBD could be a viable option for treating tumors in humans and animals.

From a hormonal standpoint, CBD oil for dogs has a positive effect on imbalances that can cause tumors. This means that CBD oil for dogs can balance hormonal imbalances in Cushing's pituitary and adrenal glands. In one studies scientists have discovered that exposure to cannabinoids could have profound effects on the function of the endocrine stress axis. Additionally, hemp seed oil contains the perfect balance of omega fatty acids, rich in omega-6 fatty acids found in vegetable oils (GLA), all of which contribute to healthy hormone balance. This is one of the reasons why it is important to have CBD in hemp oil!

The most effective way to treat Cushing's syndrome is with CBD oil for dogs in organic hemp oil, broad spectrum, without extras! It is a recommendation Woff Woff CBD oil for dogs, which can be applied according to the recommended instructions that you will receive with the oil.

Based on research and experience, the recommendation for treating Cushing's syndrome in dogs is to double the recommended dose and apply it every 8 hours until symptoms subside. Then the dose can be reduced.

The exact dosage for each muzzle depends on its specific problem and how sensitive its endocannabinoid system is.

For the fastest and most direct absorption, it can be dripped directly into the mouth. With the fact that the pipette must not be inserted into the mouth. It is easiest to lay the dog on its side, lift its lip and drip from above.

It can be added to food, but absorption is then longer, 30-45 minutes until it reaches the bloodstream.

If your dog is taking medication for Cushing's syndrome and you want to use CBD oil for dogs, you should be able to gradually reduce the dosage of the medication. Talk to your vet about the safest way to reduce medication.


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Author: Morana Barbara Lučić
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Product performance descriptions are based on the traditional use of their individual components and do not necessarily include all precautions.
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