Material |
Silica gel |
Brush for cleaning teeth and massaging gums for dogs
3.00 €
Payment Croatia
Payment is possible via the Internet and cash on delivery, i.e. cash payment to the postman upon delivery of the parcel. For online payment, after receiving the order, you will receive payment information by e-mail. If you haven't received them in your inbox, check your junk mail. You can send a confirmation of payment so that the shipment can be processed sooner.
It is possible to pay for dog beds, baskets and dog carrier online / money order / bank transfer. Cash on delivery is not possible.
Payment abroad
It is possible to pay online by direct payment to the business account or through one of the applications that enable payment to the account, such as Revolut or others.
Delivery Croatia
Finished products are shipped within 1-3 business days from receipt of order for cash on delivery or visible payment for online payment.
Personalized products are sent within 7 working days.
Delivery is made by Croatian Post. The usual time for regular delivery is 1-3 working days, and a maximum of 8 working days. Paket24 delivery is, depending on the location in Croatia, 24-48 hours. All shipments have a tracking number.
Delivery cost for online payment:
- Delivery is free for orders over €80.00.
- Standard delivery: €2.00
- Parcel machine: €4.00
- Package 24: €7.00
For cash on delivery, the delivery cost is €3.00. The recipient of the shipment also pays the fee for the payment transaction service. The fee is €0.66 for amounts up to €20.00, 3,32% for amounts from €20.01 to €399.70, and €13.27 for amounts from €399.71.
In the event that the shipment is returned, because you did not pick it up, you are obliged to cover the cost of sending and returning it in the amount of €5.00.
Delivery abroad
Finished products are sent within 1-3 working days from the visible payment on the business account.
Personalized products are sent within 7 working days from the visible payment on the business account.
Delivery is made by Croatian Post and is usually delivered locally by your regular post office. The usual delivery time is 3-10 working days. A longer delivery time is possible if the shipment is held at customs.
Delivery cost for smaller packages: €10.00
Shipping cost for Dog Beds, Baskets and Dog Carriers:
- 17,00 € EU 1 (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Slovenia)
- 24,00 € EU 2 (Czech Republic, Finland, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden)
- 37,00 € EU 3 (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta)
- 26,00 € EUROPE 1 (Iceland, Switzerland, Great Britain)
- 37,00 € EUROPE 2 (Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Gibraltar, Greenland, Guernsey, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Moldova, Monaco, Norway, Isle of Man, Sheep Islands, Russian Federation, San Marino, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine, Vatican)
- 43,00 € North and South America
- 55,00 € The rest of the world
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In the search of a good hotel, where dogs can be dogs, enjoy the nature, explore but still have undivided attentione from the staff, we came acros Woff Woff. Our... Read more dog literally went in and didn’t look back. He enjoyed running and playing with other dogs in the nature everyday. When he would get tired or would reach his treshold, he had the option to go back to his kennel and have some time alone. Morana truly is an expert, and I haven’t doubted her decisions and way of work for a second. She is fast to reply on any messages and to give you an update on how your dog is doing and behaving. Aside of that, Woff Woff has the option for the owners to connect to a livestream so you can see your pups in play, and Morana regularly uploads pictures on social media. Absolutely will go there again! 🐾
Kristina Colak
August 9, 2023. -
We have been using CBD oil for about 2 months and we can see the improvement in the dog, it is more lively, it moves better, it sleeps nice and peacefully and has a good appetite, all recommendations 😊👌
Rea Didović
April 15, 2023.Super kvalitetan proizvod, dajem svom psu kao pomoć pri hodanju i olakšanje radi metastaza, godine su već tu, a CBD zbilja pomaže. Odlična komunikacija prema meni kao kupcu i vrlo... Read more brza dostava, sve preporuke.
Andrea Brnjic
March 6, 2023. -
Moje tople preporuke za Woff cbd ulje. Imam psa alergicara koji je 2 godine bio na kortikosteroidima i postao totalno nezainteresiran za sve. Uz Woff Woff cbd ulje moj pas... Read more opet trci, igra se s drugim psima, dolazi se maziti, dlaka mu je brze narasla, ma preporodio se tj vratio zapravo na ono staro. Hvala vam sto proizvodite cbd ulje i time pomazete psima ❤
Mihaela Pušić
February 1, 2023.Excellent communication, and the most important thing is the satisfaction of our Nela. The only "flaw" of the bed is that it is so good that our dog does not want to get up all day.
Maya White
November 19, 2022.Nakon sad vec prilicnog broja godina kupovanja u Woff Woff, mogu reci prilicno cvrsto da to nije samo prodaja vec vise mjesto izvrsnosti za nase cetveronozne prijatelje. Od kvalitetnih dodataka... Read more za prehranu i jos kojecega pa sve do nevjerojatne usluznosti i strucnih savjeta.
Matija Perković
November 1, 2022. -
Lijep pozdrav! Koristim CBD ulje za jednu njušku koja ima bolne zglobiće, i za drugu njušku koja se boji grmljavine. Nakon veće pauze nedavno sam se ponovno vratila Woff Woff... Read more CBD ulju i nastavila s davanjem kapljica. Dijete u meni se jutros jako obradovalo jer evo nakon 6-7 dana korištenja ulja primjećujem veću poletnost i ustajanja bez problema nakon dužeg spavanja, a grmljavinska nevremena nisu više toliko strašna. Kao znak zahvale našoj dragoj Barbari napisali smo pjesmicu! Mi smo dva brata kojima je Woff Woff CBD ulje kao od zlata. Nježne smo njuške i znamo prepoznati kada se nešto radi od duše. Kad nam Sena da CBD da ponjušimo mi se odmah u te čudesne kapljice prerušimo. Dvojica smo i CBD ulje trošimo brzo tako da ga naša Barbara uvijek mora poslati ubrzo. Draga Barbara nas često daruje te tad sreća u nama snažno zacaruje! Hvala od ♥️ Dalin & Daddy
Sena Sarshon
September 30, 2022.već nekoliko mjeseci koristimo CBD 5% ulje za križanku u tipu labradora koja će uskoro imati 11 godina. prošle godine je operirana (karcinom). na momente je otežano disala, a imala... Read more je u dva navrata i napad gušenja. otkad koristimo ulje, simptomi bolesti su se prorijedili i vidi se na njoj da se puno bolje osjeća. 🧡🐾 hvalaa Morana! ❤️
Anđelka Zrinušić
September 10, 2022.Koristim oko mjesec dana CBD 2,5% ulje za mog mopsića i jako sam zadovoljna. Prvo mu je ulje pomoglo kod proljetnih alergija a sad kod ovih nesnosnih vrućina. ... Read more Primjećujem da ih lakse podnosi od kad uzima ulje. Moja topla preporuka za Woff Woff CBD ulje.
Maja Franulović
June 13, 2022. -
Mi koristimo Woff Woff CBD ulje već godinama. Organsko je i ima laboratorijsku analizu što mi je jako važno za mog psića koji je alergičar i pati od gastritisa. Prezadovoljni... Read more smo 🥰 Gđa Morana Barbara istinski voli pse i uvijek nam pomogne sa savjetom. Toplo preporučam ❤️
Jadranka Juric
May 27, 2022.Sanja Milotic
May 21, 2022.
In the search of a good hotel, where dogs can be dogs, enjoy the nature, explore but still have undivided attention from the staff, we came across Woff Woff. Our dog literally went in and didn't look back. He enjoyed running and playing with other dogs in the nature everyday. When... Read more he would get tired or would reach his threshold, he had the option to go back to his kennel and have some time alone. Morana is truly an expert, and I haven't doubted her decisions and way of working for a second. She is quick to reply on any messages and to give you an update on how your dog is doing and behaving. Aside from that, Woff Woff has the option for the owners to connect to a livestream so you can see your pups in play, and Morana regularly uploads pictures on social media. Absolutely will go there again! 🐾
Kristina Colak
August 9, 2023. -
My warm recommendations for Woff cbd oil. I have an allergic dog who was on corticosteroids for 2 years and became totally disinterested in everything. With Woff Woff cbd oil, my dog runs again, plays with other dogs, comes to be petted, his hair grew quickly, but he was reborn, i.e. came back... Read more actually the old one. Thank you for producing cbd oil and thereby helping dogs ❤
Mihaela Pušić
February 1, 2023. -
Greetings! I use CBD oil for one muzzle that has painful knuckles, and for the other muzzle that is afraid of thunder. After a long break, I recently returned to Woff Woff CBD oil and continued with the drops. The child in me was very happy this morning because here it is after 6-7 days of use... Read more oil, I notice greater agility and getting up without problems after a long sleep, and thunderstorms are no longer so terrible. As a sign of thanks to our dear Barbara, we wrote a song! We are two brothers who like Woff Woff CBD oil like gold. We have delicate noses and know how to recognize when something is done from the heart. When Sena gives us CBD to sniff, we immediately disguise ourselves as those miraculous drops. There are two of us and we use up the CBD oil quickly, so our Barbara always has to send it soon. Dear Barbara, she often gives us gifts, and then happiness casts a powerful spell on us! Thanks from ♥️ Dalin & Daddy
Sena Sarshon
September 30, 2022.